Jonny Koban - 鄭森

"Mou dik jan, mou sang ming. A man with no enemies is no man at all."

"Monks measure karma in lifetimes, but we hatchetmen measure it in days. One day you're here, living, fighting, pillowing. The next you're a corpse under a trash heap behind a back-passage pillowhouse of the 18th rank. For sworn brothers like us, the only way to survive is to accept we're already dead, neh?"

Name: Zheng Sen / Johnny Koban
Race: Hyur
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Nationality: Doman
Theme Song: The Shanghai Bund

The Triads and the Tongs
Sensei for Soundrels
Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
Thug Dojo

Occupation: Jonny Koban is a Doman gangster, an enforcer for the Tian Di Hui Triad, also known as the 'Heaven and Earth Benevolence Society.' A pimping, scheming lowlife, Jonny Koban is employed by the Triad because of his exceptional talent for violence. Intimidation, exploitation, kidnapping and murder are all tasks that Jonny Koban carries out gleefully on behalf of his sworn brotherhood.Temperament: A Hotheaded, arrogant, devil-may-care young man. Koban walks through life with a chip on his shoulder and is quick to show disdain to anyone he sees as beneath him. Possessed of smarmy charm, he can get away with saying some of the most disrespectful things, and whisk it away with a smile.Religious beliefs: As the product of a far Eastern upbringing, he is beholden to the habits and superstitions of Yanxian kami worshippers. Koban worships Guanyu, patron God of the Triads, and any other Doman kami he considers strong enough to be worthy of his supplication.Hobbies: Gambling, brawling, knife-throwing, five-finger filet…Quirks/eccentricities: Jarring mood swings. He can be suave and charming one moment and absolutely vicious the next. Also an overfondness for Doman profanities, even when speaking Eorzean. Diu le lou mo ham caa gaan!Likes: Moko grass, somnus, strong rice wine, gaudy luxury, and flaunting his wealth.Dislikes: Lords and Samurai, far eastern ritual humility, meek people, prudishness, stuffy traditionalism. Being called a “bastard.”Strengths: Manipulation, scheming, intimidation, fighting.Weaknesses: Lacks the ability to see the bigger picture, prone to being blinded by arrogance, prone to violent impulsiveness.Markings: The logogram 鄭 [Zheng] branded on his forearm. The logogram 洪門 [Hung Mun - Floodgate] tattooed onto his cheek.Skills: Conventional Doman martial arts, unconventional “street” Geomancy magic.Languages: Doman, Hingan, Eorzean Common

The Tian Di Hui / 天地會

If you're from the Far East, from a criminal background, or both, perhaps you've heard of...The Heaven and Earth Benevolence Society [Tian Di Hui / 天地會] was formed in the years immediately after the Garlean conquest of Doma as a secret freemason organization dedicated to undermining the Imperial oppressors from the shadows. After the liberation, the society went public and rebranded itself as a mutual aid organization which provides support for the poor: offering legal, medical, educational and financial services to Doman families still struggling to rebuild their lives after being displaced by the occupation.Although the Tian Di Hui is widely admired throughout Yanxia for their commendable charity, there are whispers that they never gave up their freemason roots, and where they once used their secret networks for good, they have since spread their tendrils into the world of drugs, smuggling, gambling, prostitution and extortion.

Wansui - Doma's Vice City

If you're from the Far East, from a criminal background, or both, perhaps you've heard of...Wansui [萬歲], is a lawless town straddling a southern estuary of the One River. Officially, Wanshui is governed by District Magistrate Lin Zexu, a high ranking official in the Doman government. However, the true authorities in this precinct are the Heaven and Earth Benevolence Society. Wanshui has a reputation for being a district of vice, known for its gambling dens, pillow houses, and somnus lounges, all of which, for some mysterious reason, don’t seem beholden to standard Doman licensing and registration laws.For more information on Wansui, see this carrd.

The Zheng Clique

If you're from the Far East, from a sailor's background, or both, perhaps you've heard of...Anyone familiar with the pirates of the Ruby Sea would be familiar with the Zheng Clique, a faction within the confederacy led by the Sealord Zheng Zhilong. The Zheng Clique is known for being brutal and warlike. In an era when most confederates are content to enrich themselves through trade and the orderly collection of the ruby tithe, the Zheng clique clings to the old ways of raiding and pillaging vulnerable shores for plunder.Anyone who has spent time among the pirates of the east, especially among the Zheng Clique, would find Johnny Koban to look mightily familiar.

  • Walk-ups welcome. If my RP tag is on, feel free to approach me.

  • I am a 21+ player and require my partners to at least be 18+, with a preference for 21+.

  • Please be aware that Jonny Koban is a villainous character. While I do not commit villainous actions towards other characters without their players' express OOC consent, you should still be prepared to be exposed to dark and mature themes when interacting with him.

  • With that said, if anything you experience during the course of RP with Koban make you uncomfortable, please let me know and we can come to an arrangement. At the end of the day, no RP is more important than a real person's real comfort.

  • Please maintain a separation of IC and OOC when interacting with Jonny Koban. His views and morality are not my own.

  • Jonny Koban is a high-ranking member of a large, lore-adjacent criminal syndicate made up of both background NPCs and other player characters. Please be aware that anyone seeking to start conflict with him will have to contend with this.

  • With that said, neither Jonny Koban nor his criminal syndicate are invincible. When playing a villainous character, one must find a balance between being unfairly untouchable or letting hero characters walk over you like a doormat. I approach all conflict RP in the spirit of fairness, open mindedness and cooperation, and will expect others to do the same.

  • I prefer down to earth characters. Essentially, everyday people living their lives in the world. Characters who are unique, powerful or dangerous are fine. Just as long as its not at the level of WoL/Voidsent Gods/Ascians/Immortal Auspices/etc.

  • I bend the canon lore of Doma so that in culture & naming conventions, it resembles Imperial China more than Japan. This may not be surprising, considering Jonny Koban is a character essentially ripped from a classic Hong Kong Crime Drama. This isn't too much of a stretch considering how much Doma already takes from China geographically and architecturally.

Zheng Sen was born in Penghu, a small island in the Ruby Sea, and the base of the Zheng Clique pirate fleet, a faction of the Confederacy led by his father, Zheng Zhilong.Zheng Sen was one of dozens of sons, sired through one of Zhilong's many dozens of concubines. As such, he lived most of his life under the shadow of his oldest brothers, Zheng Chenggong and Zheng Tianshou; two men who were bigger, stronger, more charismatic, more skilled in the arts of geomancy, and most importantly, more sociopathic. As the runt of the seaborne Zhengs, Sen was subject to brutal mistreatment by both father and elder brothers. From the age of 12, Sen began joining Zheng squadrons on coastal raiding expeditions: burning villages, killing fishermen, and finding new and creative ways to encourage townsfolk to reveal where they’d hidden their rice and koban.Despite this, Zhilong never showed Sen the same favour he extended to his elder brothers. They were being groomed to be princes, Sen, at best, a footsoldier. Nursing increasing resentment for his father over the years, when Sen was 19, he seduced one of his fathers’ many young concubines. When Zhilong found out, he was apoplectic. Normally, the punishment for such disrespect was death, but since Sen was his flesh and blood, he had his youngest son banished instead.Forced out of his home, Sen travelled to the Doma, where he fell in with the Tian-di-hui, or "Heaven and Earth Benevolence Society," a local Triad faction operating in prostitution, contraband, protection racketeering and gambling. With the Tian-di-hui, Johnny Koban served the role of enforcer, with the Tong’s Red Poles taking advantage of his deadly fighting skills and natural ferocity. Eventually, he sucked up to and/or killed all the right people and climbed up the organizational hierarchy. Presently, he has been promoted to the rank of "Red Pole" [A.K.A Liutenant], and has been transferred to the lawless town of Wansui, where he "protects" the interests of the mother branch of the Tong and their business "affiliates" in the Doman Enclave.